Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)

Internal Family Systems (IFS) : Self-Led Transformation

This model of therapy is recognized by SAMHSA as an evidence-based, trauma-informed process. As a highly trained therapist in several modalities, including IFS, I must admit I have never been so excited by the effectiveness of a therapy model as I am with IFS, for true, long-lasting lifetime change.  And, what's even better, the IFS model of psychology is now reaching beyond the therapy office. A wide variety of professionals, other than therapists are being trained and bringing it into their occupational fields of education, sports coaching, corporate wellness, the prison system and politics.  It is at the forefront of a movement toward collaboration and peace within families, schools, communities and the world.  It becomes a new way of thinking about yourself, the world and life. As one of the fastest growing approaches in this field, the IFS model offers a clear, empowering, nonpathological understanding of personal issues.  The IFS Model helps to unveil intuitive wisdom, compassion, curiousity and creativity that all lie beneath the protective, defensive parts of us, so as to allow healing from an open heart, without having to relive the past!  In that process we are able to unload extreme beliefs, fears, emotions and physical problems that burden our lives.  This allows a deep personal transformation, which is led by our wisest Self.  This strength-based, holistic approach offers the opportunity to experience healing on all levels: mental, emotional and spiritual.

This approach is known to:

  • work effectively with individuals, couples, families and children
  • help both the client and therapist stay centered and open-hearted
  • provide a user-friendly vocabulary for issues in therapy
  • respect the client's pace and leadership
  • establish an enjoyable, collaborative partnership between therapist and client

Please refer to the "Internal Family System" website:  for research studies, articles, workshops, books and more.


Wende Birtch


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-4:00 pm










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